Child Safeguarding

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been published under documents. Please click below for quick access.
Child Safeguarding Statement

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Distance Learning/Covid-19


January 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you will be aware, schools have been closed once more and so we will be using the distance learning app called Seesaw Class App.  The children will have already received their codes and should be able to access Seesaw.  Any issues with this, please contact Tracy Fitzgerald, HSCL.  Those who have engaged during the previous forced closure should be familiar with the platform.  It had worked very well and it was a great credit to both our pupils and their parents’ as we made our way through those difficult times. We find ourselves faced with the challenge of remote teaching and trying to provide learning opportunities for our school community.  Once again, the school staff has been working very hard to provide learning opportunities and activities to create interest and challenge for your children while they are not able to attend school.   We sincerely request that you all support your child/children’s learning in this way.

It is important that your children stay focussed on some work/activities and I appeal for those of you who have not engaged frequently or at all to try to join in.  The link is at the bottom of the page explains how Seesaw works.  To facilitate your child’s learning all the required text books will be delivered during this week.  The work for each week will be set by the class teachers on Seesaw.

As I am sure you will understand that the future is still uncertain and may well contain an ongoing element of distance learning.  To this end, I appeal for all families to try to engage with our chosen platform as much as possible.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely,


Mr. Jennings


Dear Parents,

Please follow the link below to fill out a homework survey.

Dear parents and guardians,

We are re-issuing this request for engagement in the Distance Learning Platform 'Seesaw'. Please click on the link below. We are undertaking this platform, the 'Seesaw Class App' to help with distance learning in our school should the need arise in the near future. To help us, we would be very grateful if you would inform us of your consent in participating in this initiative. The form below should take very little of your time to complete. We would be very grateful if you would complete it at your earliest convenience .

PLEASE NOTE, only one form is required for each family

Please also note that all individual responses will be treated confidentially.

An email address is necessary for the creation of the platform as the school/Class teachers will communicate with you and your child/children in this way. Your class teacher will send you an email explaining how to set up and interact with the App.

Thank you very much.

Peter Jennings, Principal

Please follow the link below

For a quick guide to isolation procedures for COVID-19 please click here or visit our Documents page. On this link you will find a quick guide table that will provide you with isolation instructions for all scenarios.

Contact Details

Our Lady of Lourdes,
Limerick City,
Phone: 061 227991