Child Safeguarding

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been published under documents. Please click below for quick access.
Child Safeguarding Statement

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Here are some important letters for parents to read regarding school reopening. Click on the links below to access the letters. They are also available in the documents section of our website under the heading about us.

1. Letter to parents 1

2. Letter to parents 2

3. Letter to parents 3

4. Information sheet

5. Arrival and dismissal plan


Our Lady of Lourdes NS is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our staff and a safe learning environment for all our pupils. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Response Plan. The BOM and all school staff are responsible for the implementation of this plan and a combined effort will help contain the spread of the virus. We will:

  • continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend this plan in consultation with our staff
  • provide up to date information to our staff and pupils on the Public Health advice issued by the HSE and
  • display information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct handwashing techniques
  • agree with staff, a worker representative who is easily identifiable to carry out the role outlined in this plan
  • inform all staff and pupils of essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette and physical distancing requirements
  • adapt the school to facilitate physical distancing as appropriate in line with the guidance and direction of the Department of Education
  • keep a contact log to help with contact tracing
  • ensure staff engage with the induction / familiarisation briefing provided by the Department of Education
  • implement the agreed procedures to be followed in the event of someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 while at school
  • provide instructions for staff and pupils to follow if they develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 during school time
  • implement cleaning in line with Department of Education advice

All school staff will be consulted on an ongoing basis and feedback is encouraged on any concerns, issues or suggestions.

This can be done through the Lead Worker Representative(s), who will be supported in line with the agreement between the Department and education partners.

Signed:            Fr. John Walsh, Chairperson, BOM                 Date: 27th July 2020

                         P. Jennings, Principal             


For a link to the document click here

The Department of Education has published a response plan for COVID-19. It sets out the plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools. You can access the document by clicking the link below or in our documents section under About Us.

COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools

8th  June 2020

Distance Learning/Covid-19

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you will be aware, the school has been using the distance learning app called Seesaw Class App.  Those who have engaged are working very well and it is a great credit to both our pupils and their parents’ as we make our way through these difficult times.  The school staff have been working very hard also to provide learning opportunities and activities to create interest and challenge for your children while they are not able to attend school.   Well done to you all for supporting your child/children’s learning in this way.

As we approach the end of the academic year, it is important to stay focussed on some work/activities and I appeal for those of you who have not engaged frequently or at all to try to join in before the year ends.  The link is at the bottom of the page.  You can give consent through the Google Drive link and the class teacher will get back to you by email.

As I am sure you will understand that the future is still uncertain and may well contain an ongoing element of distance learning.  To this end, I appeal for all families to try to engage with our chosen platform as much as possible.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely


Mr Jennings


Contact Details

Our Lady of Lourdes,
Limerick City,
Phone: 061 227991