Child Safeguarding

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been published under documents. Please click below for quick access.
Child Safeguarding Statement

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Our Active School week starts this year on the 13th of June. During our active schools week we will be replacing homework with physical activity challenges. Here is a selection of the activities that will take place during Active Schools Week.

  • Sports day
  • Wake up shake up
  • Let's go school tours
  • Treasure hunt
  • Zumba (Whole School Event)
  • Walkway Challenge (Whole School Event)
  • Rounder - teachers v children
  • Fishing
  • Jigsaw relay
  • Bubble Party
  • Soccer & Basketball blitz
  • Youtube Yoga

Congratulations to our girls Gaelic Football team who had a fantastic victory today over Corpus Christi. There were some excellent performances all round but especially from Momo, Lauren and Rhiann. Well done to everyone involved and we are looking forward to their next match.

MarathonMarathon Kids Ireland have organised this 8 week programme targeting 5th & 6th Class students in schools across Ireland.

Students will learn about the health benefits of sport and perform four running sessions each week inching them closer to completing their first marathon as well as learning about the benefits of physical activity. The running distance increases each week and by the end of the 8 weeks the children will have completed a full marathon. They will be running each day in school to complete this.

Contact Details

Our Lady of Lourdes,
Limerick City,
Phone: 061 227991