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CM Gold 202411

Application Form 2024-25


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Child Safeguarding

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been published under documents. Please click below for quick access.
Child Safeguarding Statement


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Dear Parents,

Please follow the link below to fill out a homework survey.


Dear parents and guardians,

We are re-issuing this request for engagement in the Distance Learning Platform 'Seesaw'. Please click on the link below. We are undertaking this platform, the 'Seesaw Class App' to help with distance learning in our school should the need arise in the near future. To help us, we would be very grateful if you would inform us of your consent in participating in this initiative. The form below should take very little of your time to complete. We would be very grateful if you would complete it at your earliest convenience .

PLEASE NOTE, only one form is required for each family

Please also note that all individual responses will be treated confidentially.

An email address is necessary for the creation of the platform as the school/Class teachers will communicate with you and your child/children in this way. Your class teacher will send you an email explaining how to set up and interact with the App.

Thank you very much.

Peter Jennings, Principal

Please follow the link below


For a quick guide to isolation procedures for COVID-19 please click here or visit our Documents page. On this link you will find a quick guide table that will provide you with isolation instructions for all scenarios.

Dear Parents/guardians,

As you are aware the drop off and pick up area in front of the school can be an area of congestion for both traffic and people in the mornings and afternoons. The Boards of Management of both schools are working together to keep everybody safe outside the school. We are working very closely with Limerick County Council, Bus Éireann and the local Community Gardaí from Roxboro Garda Station to try and find some solutions. We would really appreciate your support as we trial the following changes and reminders:

  1. The small road outside the school gates will operate as a one-way system during drop off and pick up times.  Entry will be via the entrance at the Hyde Road side of the school and exit will be at the top of the road opposite Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Please drive slowly along this road.
  2. A reminder that no parking is permissible on double yellow lines or in the yellow box immediately outside the gates.
  3. Pedestrian crossings and junctions of roads should be kept clear of traffic.
  4. Parents/Bus drivers should ‘drop and go’ where possible. All pupils are well supervised once they enter the school grounds.
  5. Avoid congregating at the gate which will allow students clear and speedy access.
  6. Please be aware of social distancing  – there should be at least 2 meters between you and the person next to you.

The local Community Gardaí will help us and offer assistance as we adapt to these changes.

Many thanks for your continued support,

         Mr. Peter Jennings                                                              Mrs. Maria Allen

Secretary, Board of Management                               Secretary, Board of Management

      Our Lady of Lourdes NS                                                      Mid West School for the Deaf

**Please note**

Our Lady of Lourdes School would kindly request of parents coming from the Dooradoyle/hospital direction, that they might consider using the church car park and allow Anne-Marie, our Crossing Lady, to bring your children safely to the school gate.  This would reduce the congestion considerably and remove the multidirectional vehicular movement also.  Your consideration in this matter would be greatly appreciated in these challenging times.

This letter is available on our Documents page or click here for a link to the full letter.

24th August2020

Dear Parent / Guardian, Staff Member,

RE: Fáilte ar ais


The BoM and School Staff are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils and parents / guardians back to school for the 2020/2021 school year on Monday next, 31st August.

We are satisfied that we have control measures in place to ensure that this will be a safe re-opening.  It will take some time for all of us to get used to the “new circumstances” as we become familiar with the new routines and procedures designed to keep everyone safe and to prevent the spread of the virus.  There will, undoubtedly, be some unforeseen challenges and we will deal with these as they arise.

We would like to thank you for your co-operation in making preparations to date and look forward to working with you as we assist the children adapt to the necessary changes.  We are also conscious of the fact that our pupils have not been in school since March and that they are looking forward to coming back to school to meet their friends again.  We are aware that our new pupils are beginning a school year at a challenging time and have made plans to ensure that their arrival will be as free from stress as possible.

le meas,

Fr. John Walsh                                                                       P. Jennings

Cathaoirleach, An Bhóird Bainistíochta                                Príomhoide


For a link to the full letter please click here. The letter can also be accessed through our documents page.

Contact Details

Our Lady of Lourdes,
Limerick City,
Email: ourladyoflourdesrb@gmail.com
Phone: 061 227991